Who Owns Your Brain?

“You don't live life by your experiences, you live life by what you focus on” 

Have you ever gone out for a delicious dinner and felt amazing - but while driving home, someone cut you off, and it totally changed your mindset?

The weather forecast was wrong again…better get angry and yell at the sky.

Someone doesn’t pay you, you stub your toe, your kid gets sick, or maybe your car breaks down.

Whatever it was - we all have those moments.

The question is, “Who owns your brain?”

Who are you giving your energy to? 

You can be pissed at the weatherman for not warning you about the rain, or you can get an umbrella and move on.

You can be mad at your husband's boss for making him work late, or you can be thankful that your husband made it home safely.

Something takes up space in your brain daily, but the best part is that you get to choose what that something is. Is that something positive or negative?

Is that something moving you forward or holding you back?  

What you focus on tends to grow.

Maybe not in a physical sense, but it grows within your own head. Now the situation has become worse than it needs to be.

Being annoyed at your neighbor won’t move you forward. It will only hold you back.

Being mad at your husband's boss for him causing him to miss dinner won’t make your dinner taste any better.

Can you look at this situation in a different way?

“When you change the way you look at something, that something you are looking at will change.”

The experiences we have are a result of what we focus on. 

Jim Rohn said, “Stand guard at the door of your mind.”

Embrace what is good. Let go of the bad. Choose wisely who enters your brain.


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