Theory vs Practice

Some ideas are simple in theory but difficult in practice. We have all had an idea at some point that lit a fire under us. We got all excited about the idea and started our journey to hitting it big. After a few days, or a few disappointments, you back off the gas and eventually shut down the idea. 

Take the “New Year New Me” concept.

After Christmas, people get excited to lose weight, start a new diet, read a new book, save money, and the list goes on. In theory all of these are easy.

How hard can it be to work out? I’ll be in shape in no time. How hard can it be to read for 30 minutes each night, I’ll have that book done in no time.

We concentrate on the end result instead of the little steps to get there.

We concentrate on finishing reading the book, not reading each night. Sooner than later we skip one night, then two, then three, and before we know it the book still hasn't been completed six months later. The theory was good, but the practice wasn’t there. The idea was there, but the steps weren’t taken. 

How can we avoid this?

How can we stay consistent with our steps?

Why do we lose focus or become so quick to justify not doing the work? 

Look at your focus.

Are you focusing on the big picture, the original theory? Or are you focusing on the small steps, the practice, to achieve the big picture? Are your steps small enough?

Maybe reading 30 mins each day isn't the answer. Maybe it's reading 5 pages each day. Maybe it's working out 4 days a week rather than 6.

It’s up to each of us to find the formula that works for us. We are all different, our schedules are different, our priorities are different, etc. 

The old saying goes, “Don't change the goal to match the habit, change the habit to match the goal.”

Don’t shrink your goal to match your lack of effort.

Change your effort, change your focus, and/or change your habits. The original theory was good, now change the practice that will get you to the finish line. 

If it takes a little longer than you originally anticipated that's fine too.

Self development is testing new ideas to find out what works for you. What works for you is an ever growing formula because life is always changing. But once you figure out what works in your life, you won't have a problem completing tasks and goals. You’ll have confidence in achieving the goal.

You’ll feel comfortable in the steps you are taking on a consistent basis.


Conflicting Info


Self Sabotage