Push Your Damn Cart Back!

Something so simple, so easy, yet so damn frustrating!

The other day I had a conversation with a neighbor about what I thought of Naples so far. We moved here a few months ago and have experienced quite a few things and places. I went on to say how I love the weather, the landscaping, the people, exotic cars, and so on. It truly is a different world than what I was raised around. 

After a few minutes of talking about how great Naples is, I was asked the hard questions. “Is there anything about Naples you don’t like?”

To be honest, I froze. I had to think for a second. 

“Oh yeah, I got something! What the hell is wrong with people not pushing their carts back? Why do they just leave them all over the parking lot?” He said, “That's different, most people complain about the traffic during the busy season.”

To be honest, the traffic doesn't bother me. If I'm going to sit in traffic, I'd rather sit in traffic in Naples. It’s the lack of effort when pushing back grocery carts. Shoppers literally leave them everywhere, all over the parking lot. Sometimes they are blocking entire parking spaces. 

Seeing this puts me in a horrible mood.

It’s not even the cart itself, it's the lack of effort in pushing the cart back. There are cart carols in the parking lot and the store itself isn't even that far away. Personally, I love catching the person doing this. My daughter always asks, “Daddy, why is this cart in the parking lot?” and I always reply, “Because some people are just lazy,” as I look the person right in the face. Usually I get a bad look back, they slam their car door, and run off. It’s the same episode every time. 

So I ask, What other areas in your life are you being lazy?

Are you the one leaving the cart in the parking lot? Do you miss the trash can at the gym and just leave the paper towel laying on the floor? Do you throw your clothes all over the house rather than putting them away? Are you cleaning up after yourself? Are you drinking that extra glass of water? Is your workstation clean for the next shift to start? The smallest amount of effort can mean so much to someone. 

  • Push the damn cart back, the grocery store doesn’t have enough help as it is. 

  • Put your clothes away, you’re a grown man, act like it!

  • Make sure the trash gets in the trash can, the janitor isn't your mommy.

  • What’s one extra glass of water? Your body will thank you. 

Who cares if he or she doesn’t put in the effort, You can. You are capable. You are able. Someone sees the good and someone sees the bad. Knowing that, show them the good and be a positive example in a world of so much negative influence. 



Stop Stopping


No Extra Effort